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Sunday, 28 August 2016

Further Evidence of Oxford Social Services Unbiaised Failings

Subject: Review Meeting 5 August 2016

Dear Mr Father of the Children

You enquired at the review meeting on 5th August 2016 whether it would be possible for your sister, named Aunty, to have contact with named Children. It was agreed that I would explore the possibility of this and respond to you by 26 August 2016. named Aunty has also contacted me separately to request contact with named Children as well as updated photographs of the children.

I have explored the possibility of named Children having contact with named Aunty and providing named Aunty with updated photographs of themselves, however owing to the ongoing police investigation these are not possible at the present time. That said, contact with members of the extended family will continue to be reviewed at named Children Looked after Child reviews.

Please let me know whether you would like me to inform named Aunty of this, or if you wish to pass the information on.

Yours sincerely

Jo Morton

Jo Morton
Senior Practitioner

Looked after Children and Leaving Care Team
Knights Court
21 Between Towns Road
Oxford OX4 3LX

Now, importantly neither my sister or the children's grandfather have ever been investigated or arrested for any crime ever.  This is just another example of slanderous accusations by Oxford Social Services and a breach in the Human Rights of my children and their extended family.  It is also criminal by Oxford Social Services as it breaches the Discrimination Act under Discrimination by Association.

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