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Thursday, 30 June 2016


I was reading an article from America, which saddens and shocks me to the core.

Accidents happen, we are all accountable and we have all faced the gut wrenching moment when an accident happens.

The difference is, I'm the average Joe Blogs, and not a social worker or CPS worker.  If the following story had happened to you or I we would have had our children removed and faced possible prison sentencing.

Shouldn't this be the case then for EVERYONE? Including Social Workers and CPS workers?  Instead, it is one rule for us one rule for them...

CPS worker may face punishment for accidentally locking child in hot car


Terrifying moments for a toddler accidentally locked in a hot car by a Child Protective Services worker.

The employee placed the child in the car and accidentally dropped the car keys inside.
When she realized what she did, she ran into the building,  and grabbed a police detective who works in that office.

The officer broke the window and pulled the child out.  The temperature outside the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services office on Greenwood Drive was 95 degrees at the time.

Paramedics treated the boy who was sweaty and had a temperature of nearly 100 degrees. He was placed him in an air conditioned unit and given water.

"The child is fine. We turned him back over. As soon as we arrived, we were able to cool him down. He responded just fine. He was drinking water out of a bottle and he was doing great," said Captain Jeff Durrwachter of the Corpus Christi Fire Department.

It is important to be careful with children during these extreme temperatures.

"Within a short period of time, a locked vehicle can easily get over 100 degrees and children unfortunately are not made to deal with the environment as much as an adult is. So, they can overheat very quickly. We were told that it was about 5 minutes that this child was in the vehicle. Even in 5 minutes, his temperature was getting close to 100 degrees internally. 01:18:50:00 So, you just have to be very, very careful anytime you go anywhere and not accidentally lock a child in a car," Captain Durrwachter said.

The 18-month-old boy was returned back to the custody of CPS after being treated. There's no word of the CPS employee will be reprimanded.



I started this blog out of anger.

I was angry at the failings my family has faced from so called "Professional", Social Workers, IRO's, Local Authority, Police and the CAFCASS Court.

I was angry at Bryn Melyn Care Ltd for the death of my neice.

Oxford Social Services for stealing my neices and nephew

Oxfordshire IRO, for having never followed the guidelines and procedures into her job and completely ignoring us as a family. 

I was angry at Thames Valley Police for not doing their actual job of investigating and just assuming.

CAFCASS, because they just believed all the lies made me so angry.

And the Local Authority for allowing it all to happen in their name.

But the more I delve, the more I look. I more I realise that it's pandemic. An epidemic of infectious deceit that has spread through human populations across a large region; for instance multiple continents, even worldwide.

It's not just Oxford Social Services.

So now I am less angry, I'm campaigning, I'd like to see change.  We as human's, parents, loved ones need this change and it needs to happen now.

Social Workers, need to actually become accountable for their actions.  The HCPC needs to stop fobbing people off and actually look at what Social Workers have become.  They need to look at their own Fitness to Practice protocols and those not following have got to be removed and prevented from working within this area.

If we can change Social Workers we can change the system.  We can fight it.  Innocent people should not be hounded and forced to give up their children.  We need to stop the awful deaths of those children missed or forgotten because a Social Worker is so wrapped up in an innocent family.

Change needs to happen.  And with some amazing people I'm leading the way. Whose with me?

Wednesday, 29 June 2016

Judge slams deficient social work assessment in ‘extraordinary’ case

Social worker's actions were "most acute" example of several agencies' failure to interrogate mother's claims against father

A judge has criticised “patent deficiencies” in a social worker’s assessment of child abuse claims against a father that were later found to be false.

In his judgment, Justice MacDonald said the social worker’s child protection investigation showed a “complete disregard” of good practice guidance when examining a mother’s claims that the man, TH, had subject her, the man’s son and another of the woman’s children to serious emotional, physical and sexual abuse.

The social worker’s assessment was the “most acute” example of a failure of almost all agencies involved with the children to interrogate the mother’s claims properly, the judge found.

‘Unquestioning acceptance’

The social worker’s “unquestioning acceptance” of the mother’s account meant she failed to make basic enquiries to the father, extended families or the children’s former schools or local authorities, MacDonald said. The mother had told the social worker it would be “too dangerous” to make the enquiries as TH could track down the family and kidnap the children.

The judge said “such enquiries would have revealed a fundamentally different picture to that being painted by the mother”. He found all of the allegations made by the mother were false and concluded she had placed “unwarranted pressure” on the children by actively coaching them to back up the allegations.

“[The social worker’s] failure to challenge the mother’s account and accept it at face value meant that she permitted the mother to dictate completely the frame of reference for the actions of the local authority and other agencies and meant that the mother succeeded in portraying herself and the children as victims of serious physical and sexual abuse when in fact they were not,” MacDonald said.

The case involved Scottish and English agencies. Prior to August 2014, both children lived in Scotland, with TH’s son living predominantly with him. In July 2014 the mother commenced a relationship with a man in England. In August 2014 when both boys were in her care in England, she refused to return, or return them to Scotland. TH launched proceedings in Scotland to secure the return of his son to his care.

‘Quite extraordinary case’

MacDonald found that failures in the way professionals had handled the case had contributed to the difficulties assessing evidence, “materially prejudiced the welfare of both children” and contributed to their emotional harm. In addition to the social work assessment he pointed to:
  • A failure by social workers, police and teachers to keep accurate records of what the mother and children had said. This resulted in accounts that were “diametrically opposed”.
  • The “poor quality” of assessing best evidence interviews, including the repeated use of leading questions and questioning one child when the other was present.
  • A failure to coordinate interventions that led the children to be questioned by 19 professionals. One child was questioned on 20 occasions and the other on 44 occasions. The boys were interviewed by five different police officers.
The judge said the case was “very troubling” and concluded: “It is important to recognise that the professional failures I have set out have had consequences.

“By reason of the failure of the relevant agencies to follow the clear and well established guidance and procedure the children were not only left in a situation where a parent was permitted to persist in conduct that was harmful to their emotional welfare but, by their omissions, those agencies actively contributed to that harm.”

He added: “When investigating allegations of child abuse, including allegations of child sex abuse, it is imperative that all professionals involved adhere to the law and guidance…so as to ensure the rigorous and fair investigation of allegations that is the foundation of ensuring the children concerned are safeguarded.

“Having listened to the evidence in this case the Children’s Guardian told the court that she considered this case to be ‘quite extraordinary’. Surveying the conduct of professionals in this case she concluded that ‘it is as if a sort of hysteria took over and prevented people from asking certain questions’. I cannot help but agree.”


Tuesday, 28 June 2016

Stress and Dealing with it

Due to the amount of pressure that we as a family is going through because of the catastrophic failings by Oxford Social Services and the Child Protection Team, I have been suffering from the effects.

I am not alone, and nor are you.

The Children's father, my brother, has been suffering from PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder).  He suffers from (and this is not limited to)
  • Flashbacks - especially when he feels as though he is coping with every day the best he can, he'll suddenly have vivid flashbacks.
  • Nightmares - for 6 years now those who love my brother have had to listen to the inner torment coming through in his dreams. The memories he can not hide from.
  • Physical Pain, trembling and sweating - effecting his everyday, from social interaction to his work.
  • Avoidance - my brother will do everything to avoid being reminded of why he is in this state.  He doesn't try to Blog, he doesn't shout from the roof tops, he literally tries to block it all out. To protect himself.
  • Insomnia - he struggles to sleep, and when he does sleep it's like 4 o'clock in the afternoon.
  • Depression - with the depression comes self doubt, phobias of dealing with people and anxiety over who's at the door.     
My Sister-in-Law, my brother's new wife, has depression. She has low mood, and continuous feelings of hopeless and helpless.  She feels responsible, and no matter how much we tell her, just her being here helps, it means nothing to her.  I just hope one day she will see how much value she is and how much as a family we love her.

And I have Social Anxiety, Depression and Alopecia (an autoimmune disorder) which means my hair has fallen out.

At this point, I have learned to recognise some of my symptoms. Among many others, they are: Clumsiness, forgetfulness, self doubt and criticism that goes beyond every day neurosis. I often try to discuss these symptoms with friends in order to help myself organise my thoughts. Although it might not seem like much, it is absolutely devastating when somebody tells me "that happens to all of us, mate." It feels as if all of the work I have done to identify the physical and emotional symptoms of my condition was completely futile. It sends me back to the start of this horrible journey when I thought you could get over a mental health problem by just "getting on with it." You can't.  I am reliant on my GP and the support of my friends and family.

You can't blame yourself.  We all suffer the effects of ineffective "professionals".

What I have learnt is to listen.  So what I will suggest if you are trying to support a friend or family member through a difficult time, is that if you are helping somebody get through depression, anxiety or worse, both, please try to listen to them. That's something that is said a lot when mental health problems are mentioned, but few seem to understand what it really means. 

Just listening and empathising, without offering suggestions or advice is the most effective form of support I have ever been given. One or two people who have been through the situation themselves have done this for me and it felt incredible. As I waited for the rundown of "things I can try" like a sledgehammer made of well intentioned advice, a glorious silence descended on the room and my friend just sat there. She told me she wished she could make it go away but she couldn't. She also told me that any time I wanted to talk about how I was feeling, she would listen. That sounds like almost nothing, but it is more helpful and supportive than any suggestion you could possibly think of.  

My Ex-Sister-in-Law I've not spoken to in 7years.  That's a long time.  I can only imagine how she is feeling and coping.

Saturday, 25 June 2016

Social Services £1.2 billion child snatch fraud

Unbelievably, social services staff and solicitors are milking £1.2 billion nationally from our council tax and legal aid, by snatching 4,500 children annually from their parents on false pretexts they need to be adopted. 

They pick healthy children, under the age of 4 because they can’t remember their addresses to return home. Each year, 2,000 of these are under one year old.

The resulting court battles, council specialists and consultants are then able to stretch out the custody, care, foster and adoption procedures for a year or more, pocketing up to a million per child.

Wrecking young lives

All this is our taxes, used to wreck innocent children’s lives and devastating the lives of parents, all for private profit and political dogma.

The racket begins when social service officers identify poor or defenseless parents, preferably a single mother. They then snatch her child or children, quoting a false deficiency in her parenting. 

The next step is to call in consultants, either themselves or their associates, to prepare expensive, falsified psychiatric reports on both the children and the mother, for which they pay themselves as much as £25,000 a month in additional fees. They call in solicitors they work with, one to represent social services, one for the child. Except the one purporting to represent the child is actually working with social services too.

Solicitors from hell

The two sets of solicitors then work together against the interest of the mother and child, dragging out the affair for as long as possible, demanding more psychiatric reports, often taking the mother in to care too. The solicitors’ bills can grow to hundreds of thousands of pounds, more with deliberate delays and adjournments; the social services staff make fortunes out of the consultancy, and by providing housing at up to £800pw per child.

The trauma the mother goes though is unbelievable; the trauma the children suffer with the separation and moving around inside the ghastly council care system, where many of them are abused, can be with them for life. None of that matters: there’s an average of £270,000 to be shared between social services staff and solicitors.

Common Purpose is complicit

This exploitation is enabled via the EU’s Common Purpose, a criminal organisation that manipulates our legal and local government systems for private profit, using members operating inside and outside government.

If social workers need a firm of solicitors to act corruptly, the Common Purpose network has solicitors as members. If they need to shut up parents or grandparents, the CP network has members in the police, including the Chief Constables of entire forces, who will arrest them on trumped up charges. If they need external psychiatrists to falsify reports, CP has them. It has magistrates and judges as members.

Training in trauma and brutality

The creation of massive “trauma through injustice,” the snatching of children for forced adoption, is just one of over 200 Frankfurt School subversion techniques implemented in Britain by the EU since the 1950’s, with Common Purpose and the Freemasons implementing at the local level. 

There are two objectives:
1. Trauma makes people live in fear of government; it controls them and makes them comply.
2. It trains local leaders, like social services, councils and courts, to rule with the brutality a dictatorship like the EU will need to stay in power.

The result is some parents commit suicide, most are damaged mentally, which Social Services then callously use in court to further justify their case.

Our corrupt legal profession

The former Chairman of the Law Society, Janet Paraskewa, is in Common Purpose, which may explain why corrupt lawyers are protected, instead of being struck off. The Law Society did not act when firms of solicitors scammed £800 million from the government’s compensation for miners. The Serious Fraud Office had to be called in to solicitors like Beresfords. Its is almost impossible for a parent to find an honest firm of family court solicitors to represent them.

Perjury in secret courts

In secret family courts, social workers and solicitors routinely commit perjury to pervert the course of justice. Instead of sentencing them to time in jail, our corrupt freemasonry judges, who are acting criminally, protect them. 

With nearly all our judges Freemasons, implementing the freemasonry agenda of trauma through injustice, and playing their part to bring about the EU police state, a fair trial is now a rare exception. If solicitors or judges are exposed, they furiously threaten newspapers and individuals alike with injunctions and arrests. They appear to see perjury as their automatic right.

British justice is now utterly corrupt at all levels.

Each year 200 parents and grandparents, who attempt to expose this miscarriage of justice are sentenced by freemasonry judges to up to six months on false charges of contempt of court to shut them up.

You may see details of child abuse by Council Social Services departments at includes instructions on how to handle the SS.

Thursday, 23 June 2016

John Hemming MP - Child Kidnapping by the State - Part 1 to 4

the networks helping families flee social services

Published on 20 Jul 2012
An exclusive investigation by Channel 4 News gains unprecedented access to underground networks which help families flee from social services in the UK.

The Perfect Solicitor

Because our case is so complex and difficult we NEED a darn good Firm of Solicitors.

A Firm of Solicitors with expertise in the following fields:
  1. Corporate Accountability
  2. Court of Protection
  3. Human Rights
  4. Inquests
I'm fairly certain that there is a firm out there that meet all these requirements, and I'm ever hopeful that we will find one who will represent our case in
  1. Corporate Negligence
  2. Corporate Manslaughter
  3. Human Rights
  4. Coroners Inquest
  5. Social Services 
  6. Court of Protection 
If you know of any firms or have worked with any and you think they could possible help us then please leave details in the the comments section. 

Wednesday, 22 June 2016

DISGUSTING - Social Worker Showing Total Disregard to Families and the Children they are supposed to support/protect

Social worker who read book during child’s court proceedings struck off

Judge ordered social worker to be replaced on case after family lawyer spotted he’d concealed novel in his work diary

When my Heart Breaks


Court awards £45,000 damages after council ‘abused’ section 20 arrangement

Mother and two children had human rights violated by local authority’s actions during voluntary care agreement, judge rules

Letter of complaint regarding JUSTINE MANNING IRO - Oxford Social Services

22 June 2016

Comments and Complaints Service
County Hall
New Road

To whom it may concern

Re.: Complaint Regarding Justine Manning SW54349 IRO for Children's Services

I write to make a serious complaint regarding the Independent Reviewing Office assigned to my case, Justine Manning SW54349.  Who has been the IRO in my case since 2011, yet who I first heard of and met for the first time in March 2016.

Before I make my complaint I would like you to be aware of one fact.
I still have parental responsibility for all my children, HHJ Corrie confirmed this in his Conclusion to the Fact Finding Hearing held in 2011.

I make my complaint based on the information found in the article on the Family Rights Group website, however, this is just a guideline to give my complaint evidential support.

Justine Manning, not only breached my Human Rights but also the rights of my children.  I strongly believe that this breach ultimately leads to the death of my daughter whilst under her care.

“The IRO therefore checks that Children’s Services have done what they have said they will do in the care plan, and makes sure your child is safe and well cared for whilst they are in the care system. Note the court does not have the power to check and monitor what Children’s Services does once the care proceedings (if any) are finished so the IRO takes on that role instead.”

Now in accordance with the ruling and conclusions made by HHJ Corrie in the fact finding hearing in 2011 I retained my parental rights and the right to have indirect contact with my children 3 times a year.  I was also to be included in all discussion regarding my children’s care, placements and plans for future changes.  This has NEVER been done.  The first time I heard of Justine Manning and met her was at a Serious Case Review Meeting on the 24th March 2016.  She has never and nor has any of my Children’s Social Workers contacted me to discuss care, placements and plans.

“Before the review: the IRO must:
1.       speak to your child in private and be sure they understand their right to have an advocate with them at the review. They must also explain to your child what an advocate does and how they might help them;
2.       speak to your child’s social worker;
3.       involve you (the parents and others with parental responsibility) and make sure your views are represented at the review. You will normally be invited to the review but in exceptional circumstances you could be excluded if the IRO and social worker thinks it is not in your child’s interests for you to be there.
4.       If this happens they must give you written reasons for refusing to allow you to come to the review and they must ask you to give your views another way for example by letter or tape;
5.       Ensure that all relevant reports are available before the meeting.”

Now given the simple fact that I had never heard off nor met Justine Manning in the 5 years she has been the IRO for my case and children, how did she achieve points 3 & 4?
·         I have never been allowed to be involved,
·         My views have never been represented
·         I have been excluded from attending or given my views another way
·         I have never had any written reason why I have been excluded
·         I have never had any reports/documents/paperwork before or after the meetings have taken place

“At the review: The IRO chairs the meeting. Children’s Services must consider all aspects of your Child’s case, including:
1.       Changes in circumstances since the last review
2.       Whether decisions from last review have been implemented
3.       The arrangements for your child to see or keep in touch with you and other members of your family
4.       Whether the placement continues to meet your child’s needs
5.       Any need for change in your child’s legal status.”

Now given the simple fact that I had never heard off nor met Justine Manning in the 5 years she has been the IRO for my case and children,
·         I have never been included in any decisions from any reviews, nor do I know what they are or how/if they were implemented
·         Social Services and Justine Manning have intentionally and wilfully neglectfully withheld and prevent contact to or from my extended family.  My Children have no idea how much their grandparents, Aunts and Uncles love them and want to see them.  This is “Corporate Kidnap”.
·         I found out in March 2016, that the placements my children were in had been changed on numerous occasions.  This was never discussed with me.  I believed my children were happy and settled in their original placements.  Supported by people I had met during the Fact Finding Hearing.
·         One of my children was moved completely out of county to Wrexham, a fact I was not made aware off until her death.  It has then taken 3 years for me to find out the exact details and circumstances of her death because Social Workers, Managers and the IRO refused to tell me and intentionally withheld information they had.  Making what was already a heart-breaking situation worse.

“The IRO must also:
1.       Make sure your wishes and feelings (and those of others with parental responsibility) are taken into account;
2.       Make sure the social worker has explained the implications of any permanence plan to you (the parents);
3.       set new timescales they should check back on to make sure that any things that should have been done get done;
4.       make sure that the person who is responsible for implementing decisions of the review are identified.”

Now given the simple fact that I had never heard off nor met Justine Manning in the 5 years she has been the IRO for my case and children, how did she meet the criteria of this section?
·         How did Justine Manning make sure my wishes and feeling were taken into account when she had never asked me what my wishes and feeling were?
·         What is a permanence plan, this has never been discussion with me?
·         Who’s responsible for implementing decisions, this has never been identified to me or anyone else in my family.

“After the review: The IRO must:
1.       Prepare a written record of the review decisions or recommendations within 5 days and a full
record by 15 days (This is still the case, even if a meeting did not take place);
2.       Distribute this record within 15 working days to everyone who attended the child part of the review.
3.       If you didn’t attend or attended only a part, then the social worker and IRO should discuss whether in your particular case it’s in your child’s interests for you to have the complete record and if not how much of it you should get.”

Now given the simple fact that I had never heard off nor met Justine Manning in the 5 years she has been the IRO for my case and children, how did she meet the principles points 2 & 3 of this section?
·         In 6 years (in reality it’s been 16 years) I have never had any information.  No LAC reports, Care Plan’s, Case Conference Minutes, Review Minutes/Notes.  They have intentionally been withheld from me despite numerous requests for them.

What is a permanence plan? And why have I never been included.  What information should be given or is given.

What is a Life Story?  What information should or is given and how if no one has ever spoken to me or my extended family is it completed?

I seriously feel let down, I am horrified at how a “professional” can so intentionally neglect mine and my children’s human rights.