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Wednesday, 15 June 2016

Serious Case Review into Operation Bullfinch

Serious Case Review into Operation Bullfinch

What I find astonishing is that despite the SCR highlighting what we already knew - That Oxfordshire Social Services failed over 300 children, and catastrophically missed opportunities.  Not one person was reprimanded or disciplined over the failings and willful neglect. 

What I want to know is why?

Why were those who failed not only the Local Governments Ombudsman standards and procedures but also their HCPC guidelines to best practice never called to account.

You can read the full SCR here 

But more sinister is that SCR policy states that reviews be undertaken by an Independent reviewer.  Maggie Blythe is employed by Oxfordshire, she is not independent, she relies on her job like you and I.

Carrying out a serious case review

The Local Safeguarding Children Boards (LSCB) follows statutory guidance for conducting a serious case review.

The decisions to conduct an SCR should be made within one month of the notification of the incident. The LSCB must notify the national panel of independent experts and Ofsted of this decision.

The LSCB should appoint one or more reviewers to lead the SCR. The lead reviewed must be independent of the LSCB and any organisations who are involved with the case. The LSCB should submit the names of these reviewers to the national panel of independent experts.

For the review process, the LSCB should make sure there is appropriate representation of the different professionals and organisations who were involved with the child and the family. The LSCB may decide to ask them to give written information about their involvement with the child.

The LSCB should aim to complete an SCR within 6 months.

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