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Sunday, 19 June 2016

Grandparents rights and the rights of relatives/other family members.

Why is it for 6 years and having continually requested access to our grandchildren have we been denied and studiously ignored?

Why even after Judge Corrie (Oxford Family Court), ordered for extended family to be contacted in this case were we not? And again studiously ignored!

Why were we as extended family never considered even though we offered to take the children and support them with assistance from Oxford Social Services and our own Local Authority were we denied? And again studiously ignored!

Why was our suitability questioned? A family of Social Workers and professionals in Child Protection and psychology with CRBs/DBS Enhanced Checks?  If we are unsuitable then HOW is Oxford Social Services any more suited?

Is Oxford Social Services and its Local Authority above the law?

In accordance with Section 2.18 (outlined below) taken from the GOVERNMENTS legislation Statutory Guidance for Local Authorities

2.18 In working with children in need, when assessing wider family and environmental factors within the core assessment the local authority should ensure that it considers the capacity and willingness of the other extended family members to care for the child on a short or longer term basis. This means that voluntary arrangements for the provision of services to children and families, including the consideration of potential alternative carers, should always be fully explored before any application is made under section 31 of the 1989 Act for a care or supervision order. Statutory Children Act 1989 guidance on court orders requires that a local authority should take steps as soon as possible, perhaps through a family group conference or other family meeting, to explore whether care for the child can be safely provided by a relative or friend, assessing the suitability of possible arrangements and considering the most appropriate legal status of such arrangements.

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