I still have Parental responsibility, even the Judge in
the CAFCASS Fact Finding confirmed this so -
Why for 16 years of Oxford Social Service
Involvement in my children have I never received any documentation from Social
Why in the last 6 years have I never been
consulted on or included in any care plans?
Why in the last 5 years have I never been
consulted on or included in any care placements?
Why for 5 years did I not who or ever hear from
the Independent Reviewing Officer (IRO)?
Why in 6 years have I not had the opportunity to
make decisions on how my children are raised?
Why in 6 years have I not received a copy of any
care plans?
Why in 5 years am I not notified when my
children’s placement changes?
How did Oxford Social Services and the Local
Authority place my daughter born 1 August 1999 into a home outside of the
county without consulting me?
Why have no attempts been made to keep me in
contact (I have the right decreed by HHJ Corrie) with my children or my family
with the children?
Why in 6 years have my wishes and feelings not
been accounted for?
Why did they intentionally and wilfully
neglectfully withhold information from me and my family in to my daughter’s
death allowing the statute of limitations to expire?
Why have I been continually denied access to the files Oxford Social Services have on my not just my children but also on myself? Despite numerous requests and attempts to access this information?
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