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Tuesday 21 June 2016

from Off Risk to AT RISK

I stated early on in my Blog that Oxford Social Services are child abusers.  They put children at risk. They put my children AT RISK

I had gained custody of two of my children and had worked with Social Services in Oxford to have them removed from the AT RISK Register.  Within months of them coming to live with me I had succeeded.  Though we still needed support, which was withheld, we were no longer AT RISK.

Oxford Social Services, namely  

1.       Susan L Hayes – SW78846
2.       Sylvia Pamela McKay – SW55496
3.       Naomi M Bolton - SW02357 

in their infinite wisdom decided, a year after my success in removing my children from the AT RISK register, to place my children back into a home where the remaining children were still on the AT RISK register.  WHY?

WHY?  WHY, take children off the AT RISK Register and place them in an environment where Social Services themselves believe there is significant RISK?

For what purpose?  What was the gain?

Was it so that ALL the Children could be placed back on the AT RISK Register?

Were they preempting their case against us, to CORPORATELY KIDNAP my children?

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