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Sunday 19 June 2016

Oxford Social Service Procrastination

Since the death of born 1 August 1999 a statute of limitations applies, to which the family were not aware off.

Over the last 3 years and since being informed of the death of born 1 August 1999, whilst in Bryn Melyn Care (place by Oxford Social Services).  The family at each and every meeting held with Social Services have continuously asked and requested for the circumstances surrounding born 1 August 1999’s death.

Oxford Social Services at every meeting denied any knowledge of the circumstances surrounding the death.

They have continuously prevaricated to the point of procrastination their knowledge and so called lack of knowledge of the circumstances.

This has caused a limitation to be met both morally and legally passed the 3-year point.

However, due to the limitation and the fact that the family finally got closure of the circumstances surrounding born 1 August 1999’s death only this these limitations suspect and may not apply in this instance.

Nevertheless, through their procrastination, Oxford Social Services as the Corporate Parent in this case had ALL the details and DID NOT wish to share it with the family allowing the family closure to a point.

The ethos of Oxford Social Services in their HCPC Standards state that they should be
·         Open
·         Truthful
·         Transparent

However, we are still waiting for Oxford Social Services to meet these standards.  And for them to tell us the circumstances surround born 1 August 1999’s death whilst in their care for our closure.

Do you agree that Oxford Social Services met the HCPC Standards set out on the HCPC website?

We think not and I wonder how many other families they have lied to?

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