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Tuesday, 12 July 2016

A note from the Author

What saddens and worries me the most is that I have young children.  They were born after our struggles with Social Service began and are our little miracle babies.

They literally complete mine and my husbands world.  They stole our hearts from that very 1st wee on a stick! And we've been crazy in love with them and their personalities ever since.

But, I struggle.  I'm scared of every bump and knock.  Every graze and scrape.  Every object placed in their mouth from food to toys is a potential hazard.

I question every thing. If a new bruise appears I have to know how it happened, in case I'm ever asked by a complete stranger.

I'm petrified of taking them to A&E, should we ever have to go, and we've had two runs over to our local A&E.  One for each child, one because he's umbilical hernia became an issue and our other child because he had a terrible cold and was wheezing.  Awfully though true, my first thought isn't about the journey and getting them to the hospital if needed.  It's about their bruises, usually caused by running into settees or tripping over their brother.  Bruises that are completely common place in two very active 2 years olds.  But I do panic, I worry like hell because if I can't account for the bruises, bumps, scrapes then I know I'll be look at as an incompetent neglectful mother.

I know because I have post natal depression brought on by the traumatic entry these two made into the world compounded by my own knowledge and experiences of Social Services I will be deemed mentally unfit or worse.

And that is the true scale of the problem.  Instead of going after children and families who actually need the intervention and support from the Local Authority, it's the innocent parents trying their damnedest to make their children's childhood perfect that are targeted.

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