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Tuesday, 19 July 2016


Social Services Want This Film Banned In The UK, Why? - Traffic

With the greatest will in the world, if the MP's and Government can't control the "Secret Courts" and Social Workers then what hope have we the "little" people got?  

All we can do is keep highlighting the issues, raise awareness, and maybe then those who are able will stop and think!

Published on 18 Jul 2016
Traffic - The real truth behind the child protection system. Social workers, Judges, Lawyers and Guardians of the court all working together to secure the removal of children from their families and traffic them around the UK.
Director: Pete Middleton
Writer: Mark Ashton
Stars: Brian Woodward, Kuki Keaton, Pamela Ashton |
Missing Children
Buy the full DVD from here: and support the makers of the film. Traffic 2 is coming soon and will be even harder hitting than Traffic 1.

This is the DVD called Traffic. The UK social services have made an attempt to ban this film. Why? What's in the film that they want a ban on it? Every day children who are adoptable are removed from loving caring parents on evidence that would never stand up in a criminal court. 

Most of the evidence is only the opinion and is never backed up by actual evidence. Even the evidence in cases where parents are accused of non accidental injury is not backed up by up-to-date evidenced based literature. 

Then you have risk of future emotional harm, this is the catch all term. You cannot assess future risk, where there is no historical or current evidence of risk. Yet this practice is widespread throughout the UK. 

The current safeguarding training of people is not a means and method of safeguarding but a means and method of being able to being to take children who may have had a accident in the every day course of life. 

Social workers in child protection are a breed of cold, heartless unemphatic people who demonstrate the most cold hearted and callous behaviour towards parents ever imaginable. 

Every child is a potential target now and no matter what the explanation from parents, they are considered to be the perpetrator. 

The courts work on the balance of probability, that is, it is probable you did it. Worse still it only needs to be 51%. 

In the family courts you have no chance, it is a complete stitch up from start to finish. 

Social workers, guardians, solicitors, barristers collude together to see to the swift removal of the child. 

The most vulnerable are targeted and completely railroaded during proceedings, they are never afforded reasonable adjustments that should be in place to support them. 

Parents from one end of the country to the other tell the same story. 

The evidence is mounting, parents are speaking out, they will no longer be silenced, they want their children back.


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