In the UK:
- 200 parents are being imprisoned a year in secret family courts, as stated by Harriet Harman MP in Parliament in 2006;
- 1,000 parents lose their children every month, as published by Channel IV in their film about 'forced adoptions': 15,000 Kids and counting;
- the BBC published: Adoption: Thousands of children forcibly taken into care and recently 'Huge rise' in newborn babies subject to care proceedings.
- MEPs came for a fact-finding visit and got confirmation of what over 20 petitioners had presented in Brussels.
- This report on Social Services in Europe by Russian Parliamentarian Olga Borzova calls what is happening in the UK 'abusive'.
- The UK can't be member of a club and not play by its rules, i.e. the Convention of Human Rights and complying with EU Directives
- EU Directive 2011/92 on combating child sexual abuse is also the subject of this new Handbook on European law relating to the rights of the child
- The Directive was violated by the UK and an Infringement Notice was issued in January 2014 but closed in July 2015. Our Freedom of Information request about Who, When, Where and Why is still outstanding.
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