Generally speaking the term 'Child trafficking' is child abuse.
Where children are recruited or stolen then moved or transported and then exploited, forced to work or steal or are sold on. The children are often subject to multiple forms of exploitation rather just falling into one single category. Anyone who has ever seen any of the 'Taken' movies starring Liam Neeson will know a little already about trafficking and how it works and for what purpose etc, but here's how it's a bit different regarding children.
Children are often trafficked for:
- child sexual exploitation
- benefit fraud
- forced marriage
- domestic servitude such as cleaning, childcare, cooking
- forced labour in factories or agriculture
- criminal activity such as pickpocketing, begging, transporting drugs, working on cannabis farms, selling pirated DVDs, bag theft.
- Monetary gain via bonuses, fees, legal costs budgets and wages IE family court, social services and the fostering/adoption racket.
Many children are trafficked into the UK from abroad, but children can also be trafficked from one part of the UK to another.
This has in fact been going on in various different disguises for hundreds of years, everything from blatant in your face slavery where the children would be sold in public(not so very different really after all as nowadays just re labelled I suppose) to being groomed and stolen from places nobody would miss them, the care system, the disabled those who cannot repeat the horrific things that have happened to them, nothing has changed really, the tories if anything have become far more secretive about it now that's all.
The most worrying part of this is even if this whole web of corruption is brought down, it will not stop, the powers that wish to be will just develop another way of exploiting kids, for it is their destiny in their own minds.
With the basics covered, I'd like to make it clear from here on in that as important as child trafficking which involves children being taken by gangs or being taken from abroad and brought into the UK and all of the other child trafficking that occurs around the world such as this, these are not really going to the focus of this page.
Instead I want this page to focus on the last aspect of Child exploitation taken from the list above.(highlighted in red)
The one which stems directly from the very services which are supposed to be put in place to protect our children, the ones who are supposed to keep families united... yet the evidence will show that in fact these 'companies' do the complete opposite because it's a big business with big money at stake.
I am in fact talking about Social services, the family courts, the interfering guardians (cafcass etc) and the fostering/adoption industry and trust me it IS an industry.
What is going on?!
Currently there is an epidemic taking over this Island in the form of peoples children being taken away from them.
This is happening to people from all sorts of backgrounds, religions and ethnicities for the most ridiculous reasons ranging from the absolutely pathetic (dirty dishes in the sink and unwashed clothes) to downright lies and corrupted evidence(faking statements from children and lies caught on audio and video tape). These children are taken for as little as 6 months to indefinitely and it seems there is a predetermined reason for why this is happening, well in fact there are several. Money is the biggest one but I'll go into that a bit deeper later on, for now some background information.
The adoption game pays big money so does the fostering and care giving industry not just for the actual people making the adoption or doing the fostering but instead for all parties involved, everyone from the legal professionals to the independent guardians, everyone's making a little cut and everyone's working towards preassigned targets set out once upon a time by a Labour government that many years later have never been changed, if anything they have worsened. However it has been going on for a lot longer than that.
I am sure many of you in the past have read stories of families or more than likely a single parent having their child/children taken away from them and maybe from a few of the things mentioned in the article or the pictures which may accompany it or maybe just from your general mindset, you have decided that this happened for a reason, there's no smoke without fire and that these people have obviously neglected or mistreated their children for them to be taken away.
THIS is exactly what you are supposed to believe, you are supposed to judge, condemn and accept this behaviour based on your own little insecurities or ignorance, but this can no longer be tolerated.
Then I am sure you are also aware of the flip side of this where
exposure is given to cases where extreme abuse or neglect was left
untouched by the supposed authorities and this has ended in misery, Baby
P is a great example of this.
This again is exactly as intended as it does two things; the first is is creates public outrage and the publicity shoves it down their throats whilst usually other cases are hidden and secondly it allows for these services to request more funding, more powers in the hope that this will never happen again.
You see in the cases I am going to be talking about on this page, the children in these situations presented above are all left alone, the cases are often not resolved, paper work lost or not even bothered to be done at all. It's the blonde haired, blue eyed, pretty and smart children which are most at risk here. This is because these children are not taken for their safety nor is it in their best interests, but these children are taken none the less because quotas must be filled, targets must be met and as harsh as it may sound, people don't want to adopt or foster damaged goods, or children with disabilities, potential carers would much rather a healthy, thriving child that looks the part, and so to the autorities these children have got FAR MORE value, sadly.
I heard an analogy which describes it even if it is a little brash. If you've got the choice between a brand new car and a second hand banger, which one are you going to take home'.
And it's happening right now, every day, kids taken from perfectly good stable, clean and healthy environments to be shoved into care homes riddled with mental, sexual and physical abuse, exploitation and corruption.
Social workers know this is going on, foster carers know this is going on, but nobody does anything.
In the UK currently according to the statistics a child is taken into care roughly every 30 minutes so that would make 48 a day, or 17,500 approx per year. The statistics from 1995 show a yearly rate of 5,500. This alone should be startling and mind-blowing, the fact that 17,500 children per year are being taken into care, but besides that it's clearly evidence the system DOES NOT WORK, if this rate is increasing, 3 times in fact in a 20 year period, would be proof that the system is broken.
Except that it isn't broken it's working perfectly in fact it pains me to say it but the system is genius and it is doing exactly as it was designed to do with devastating consequences.
Children in public care taken from
69,540 children were in the care of local authorities on 31st March 2015, compared to 68,800 in 2014.
69,540 children were in the care of local authorities on 31st March 2015, compared to 68,800 in 2014.
The rate of looked after children per 10,000 under 18 years on 31st March 2015 was 60. This figure varies significantly at Local Authority level from a low of 20 (Wokingham) to a high of 158 (Blackpool).
55% (38,530) of children looked after on 31st March 2015 were boys and 45% (31,010) were girls
5% (3,710) of children looked after on 31st March 2015 were under 1 year
15% (10,120) were aged between 1 and 4 years old
21% (14,310) were aged between 5 and 9 years old
38% (26,140) were aged between 10 and 15 years old
22% (15,270) were aged 16 and over
77% (53,600) of children looked after on 31st March
2015 were white
9% (6,170) were of mixed racial background
4% (2,660) were Asian or Asian British
7% (4,920) were Black or Black British
2% (1,700) were from other ethnic groups
1% (500) were other (refused or information not yet available)
75% (52,050) of children looked after on 31st March
2015 were living with foster carers
9% (6,570) were living in secure units, children's homes or hostels
5% (3,510) were placed with their parents
5% (3,320) were placed for adoption
3% (2,280) were with another placement in the community
3% (1,750) were placed in residential schools or other residential
at the stats above, the ones highlights in pink show the particular fields i
think extraordinary, the mere first figure alone of nearly 70,000 children
currently in some sort of care is fucking disgusting.
I don't want to get hung up on race at all here, but it does strengthen my point about blonde haired blue eyed, kids the perfect specimens, Nazi style.
Look at the tiny little percentage of children who are returned to their parents, 5% this is outrageous, it gives you absolutely NO HOPE AT ALL of fighting the system, that means the odds of you winning your case according to these figures are 19/1.
who's involved?
Social services/ social 'care' workers
First things first, shall we? WHAT even IS a social worker?Well according to the BASW (British association of social workers) it's this
What is social work?
Social work is a profession that is centred around people - from babies through to older people. The BASW Code of Ethics defines social work using the international definition of social work.
Social workers work with individuals and families to help improve outcomes in their lives. This may be helping to protect vulnerable people from harm or abuse or supporting people to live independently. Social workers support people, act as advocates and direct people to the services they may require. Social workers often work in multi-disciplinary teams alongside health and education professionals.
Gotcha, well I don't know what all the fuss is about, these sound like good people to have around, surely?
The problem is the purple segments of that passage above, are fucking laughable. Even the every day Joe on the street will tell you that for the most part the SS no not the Schutzstaffel although it is kinda funny how they both have the same initials and kinda carry out the same work, anyway I digress. Even the Sun readers will tell you the social services aren't much cop, in fact that's a piss take of an understatement, the fact is the SS are a serious threat to the safety of yours, mine and every bodies children. You might argue like in every field there a few 'good eggs' well I'd argue back not in this one there isn't because there is ZERO excuse for knowingly allowing this kind of thing to continue whether you are DIRECTLY responsible for it you are still consented by remaining silent.
Anyways lets have a quick butchers at the Codes of Practice for Social Care Workers. Click to enlarge.
Well that clears up absolutely nothing then, according to their own codes, most of the staff should be dismissed. You or I would be in almost any other field of employment, we'd be out the door.
Not sure if this is code of practice is now out of date or something but it seems to instruct the opposite of what for the majority of the time is carried out? So surely if there are so MANY social workers not doing their jobs properly, there are sackings, left right and centre right? WRONG. The only people who ever seem to get sacked in this industry are the ones with balls big enough to speak out against it. For example although she wasn't sacked, she was targetted for speaking out; former top specialist child law practitioner, Michelle Freedman who fled the country to her native Israel(I know what you're paranoid conspiracy theorists) protect her own children being taken claimed;
"In ten years of being a barrister I represented hundreds of families and never won a single case, because the system is rigged, looking back now i realise that in my ten years in fact all I had been doing is watching lambs be led to the slaughter"
However.. despite actually caring for her clients in a career dubbed as "professional losers" for a reason and despite the fact that she genuinely faught in their corners (unlike some soulless solicitors/barresters/mackenzie friends who conspire with SS and leak info about your case behind your back because theyre in on the game!) She freely admits she was in the business for 10 long years, and only seemed to get out of it sharpish when the threat was on her doorstep, but who am I to judge, fair play to her for getting her skates on and getting out of here, smart lady(knows the game you see, knows she has no chance fighting), bet she made some serious cash in those ten plus years too, bet that helped a bit.
Is there anything else? Anyone else talking about this kind of thing? Well there's this guy. Ian Josephs.
Ian has a law degree and has made himself quite a wealthy lifestyle via his language business that he ran very successfully, he now resides in Monaco.
Ian has been helping, advising and even financing people facing 'forced adoption' as he coins it since 2002. He has helped hundreds of families and even payed for over 200 women to fly out of the UK either to Ireland or France in order for these women to be able to give birth without fear of social services taking the child.
This taken from his website, gives a bit more detail.
It was around the year 2002 that I realised that adoption without parental consent (as it was known then) was being carried out despite opposition from parents fighting in court to keep their children.That was in effect “forced adoption” .I therefore created this” forced adoption” site and the term “forced adoption” has passed into current and popular use in the English language !
The UK is the ONLY place in the world where large numbers of parents flee the country every year to avoid having their babies and young children taken from them by the State for forced adoption. Social workers,behaving like police , take babies at birth from mothers ,not for anything they have done but for something someone with a “Crystal Ball” thinks they might do in the future ! The UK is also THE ONLY COUNTRY IN THE WORLD where babies are taken at birth for “risk of emotional abuse”
Yes it really is true as most of the mothers who phone me complain because social workers acting as though they were police but with no authority to do so, snatch babies at birth from the hospital for this hypothetical”risk of emotional abuse” .Everyone can have a different opinion about such so called risks but both before and after these babies are snatched family court judges will nearly always rubber-stamp the snatching and later order forced adoption of these little mites by strangers ! That way social workers can blame judges for the cruelty these actions entail.
Hard to believe this happens in UK? Well every single day, dozens of babies are taken at birth following a prediction of future risk by social workers and their “experts” .In fact not dozens but hundreds of babies are taken every year from their law abiding mothers for mere future risk, and handed over for expensive foster care or forced adoption in the UK!
Ian is a bit of a legend should it be known, and highly underrated in my opinion, the parts above I have highlighted in purple emphasise both his passion for his work and his understanding of the situation.
He is the go-to guy for advice in this field from what I have researched. If you have ANY concerns or are in this situation yourself, I seriously recommend this guy, his dedication is inspiring and he's not gonna charge you a penny either. You can contact him via his website here. We will come back to him later.
So what have we discovered besides the fact that social workers are cunts? Ohhh well it turns out those shifty sods over at Social Services are also all profit making companies, thats what! And's there's dozens of them all-over the country Check out the screenshots below from Dun & Bradstreet and if you dont trust them then there's one from company check too!
They're also listed on companies house and many other credit agencies too. Social services are REAL companies, which mean they have one sole purpose for existing and that is to MAKE PROFIT. Even though they are already publicly funded, with a budget with usually rises every year, if there has been a couple of high profile cases that have "slipped through the net" so to speak, that budget will increase again! As will some of the legislation giving them MORE supposed power and authority.
Quick recap, so social
workers have an obligation given to them by the government to meet
certain targets, and the Social Services as a company have a profit that
they need to make, in order to exist as a company. So there is some
pressure on these people to do the things they do, it does not excuse
them however cause you can always change jobs!
I will end this section with the introduction to the hard hitting and actually quite brilliant Documentary on this subject 'Traffic' (also hard to find so click the link to watch)
The film is great insight into the horrors that go on and the people that are left ruined by these horrors, the extract below features almost at the very beginning of the film and I thought it was a great summary.
I am a social worker, we've had an anonymous call saying that you have abused and neglected your child and I have been sent here to investigate. You will be required to sign forms giving me permission to conduct my investigation, including talking to your doctor, your child's teacher and their child-minder and anyone else who make have information about you and your family.
You will also sign a form giving me permission to visit your child's school and talk to them without any parental interference. I can take your child away from you, without a shred of evidence of any parental wrong-doing.
You are completely at my mercy and I already don't like you. I however will not be held accountable for any wrong-doing because I am immune from prosecution and the Judge will simply rubber-stamp any piece of paper that I put in front of him.
Why don't you tell me everything that I want to hear?, whilst I go and look around your house for any safety issues that I can think of.
I can going to take your child away and throw it into a foster home, then I am going to require you to take a serious of tasks, including alcohol tests, psychological evaluations and parenting classes, these service providers will then all help me to build my case against you and no matter how hard you try, it will never be good enough.
I will end this section with the introduction to the hard hitting and actually quite brilliant Documentary on this subject 'Traffic' (also hard to find so click the link to watch)
The film is great insight into the horrors that go on and the people that are left ruined by these horrors, the extract below features almost at the very beginning of the film and I thought it was a great summary.
I am a social worker, we've had an anonymous call saying that you have abused and neglected your child and I have been sent here to investigate. You will be required to sign forms giving me permission to conduct my investigation, including talking to your doctor, your child's teacher and their child-minder and anyone else who make have information about you and your family.
You will also sign a form giving me permission to visit your child's school and talk to them without any parental interference. I can take your child away from you, without a shred of evidence of any parental wrong-doing.
You are completely at my mercy and I already don't like you. I however will not be held accountable for any wrong-doing because I am immune from prosecution and the Judge will simply rubber-stamp any piece of paper that I put in front of him.
Why don't you tell me everything that I want to hear?, whilst I go and look around your house for any safety issues that I can think of.
I can going to take your child away and throw it into a foster home, then I am going to require you to take a serious of tasks, including alcohol tests, psychological evaluations and parenting classes, these service providers will then all help me to build my case against you and no matter how hard you try, it will never be good enough.
professional losers
I was quite tempted to simply call this section 'scum' but I didn't want it to be vague. However after researching the role, these so called 'professionals' play in this child trafficking. Parasites feeding off the misery and torture of others and making a nice few quid whilst they're at it.So what are professional losers? Well it's the nickname given to those who work as family law solicitors but specifically those who fight against the system, as opposed to those who fight parent vs parents.
The reason solicitors/barristers in family law are given that term is because is because it's true, they get paid vast amounts of cash often completely bankrupting families to lose, often without even achieving anything, not even contact. This is NOT just because the system is oh so powerful and it cannot be beaten, anything but. It's because all of them are on the same side, not your side. The vast majority of legal professionals in this sector and that includes people who act as Mackenzie Friends yet charge you money... are in cahoots with the SS, these losers will leak your case to them, some will pass information back and forth, they will try and make you admit to things you haven't done in order to please SS or to do everything SS ask of you in order to favour the Judge when it goes to court, that you complied. THIS IS SHIT SHIT SHIT ADVICE!!! DO NOT COMPLY WITH SS, do everything in your POWER to fight them, and if you have someone who is representing you who gives you such advice, SACK them!!!
The reason for which they do this is because the people claiming to represent you and your interests in fact are not, they are making sure YOU comply and do exactly what SS want you to do in order to build a case against you, these people are in fact working against you but you are paying them!!! Not all of them, (the clue is usually but not always whether they accept legal aid or not) there are some gems, but there are so, so, so many who are on the pay roll. Never just seek advice from one branch, many offer free hour consultations, get many different opinions if a solicitor is the route you want to take, but you should build your own case, you know the situation best and represent yourself if possible, don't get ripped off, If you're interested in finding a proper solicitor or barrister to represent YOU click here
Taken from Ian Joseph's site forced-adoption;
You are strongly advised to represent yourself but if you really do need a lawyer choose only a solicitor who says “We will fight social services every step of the way to get your children back.(or keep social services from taking them).
It is common sense NOT to employ a solicitor or barrister who says”go along with social services” (your enemies!) or “we will not agree to the interim care order but we will not oppose it either!”or”no need for you to speak as we shall speak for you” Those solicitors are professional losers who should be avoided at all costs!
Lastly if they suggest two solicitors (one for you and one for your partner) INSIST ON ONE FOR YOUR PARTNER but YOU REPRESENT YOURSELF (or vice versa)so you can make all the points you want,while the solicitor takes care of the paperwork.
Also you can read a good article on this subject by a family law barrister called Lucy Read entitled 'Who should I trust? Advice from a family law barrister.' here.
Family courts (secret courts)
Now lets have it right,
because I have personal experience with family courts, and this is
unlike any other court in the sense that is all private, secret and the
truth, evidence it doesn't play any part, neither does logic. Unlike
criminal courts nobody can enter and watch, nobody can be told what is
going on inside and nobody can get access to the files.
It's all secret and most of the time you get dealt with by a magistrate and not a judge though this is important because a Magistrate usually doesn't have any legal qualifications, where as a Judge certainly does, so they're easier to fool, easier to get to play along etc.
And these magistrates for the most part do, the vast majority of 'evidence' presented in family courts is hearsay and accusations, often which can be refuted or debunked but the parent simply isn't given the opportunity to defend themselves, or if it is granted it usually falls on deaf ears. Some of the evidence however isn't even hearsay, it's nothing more than simply the opinion of one person about someone else.
Whilst we are on the subject though lets again consider the fact that family courts ACCEPT hearsay evidence, this country if there is any left only has any justice because of it's desire for evidence and the truth, the important thing about EVIDENCE you see is because it can be debated, refuted and tore to shreds if it's not legit...
Family courts however have turned this idea upside down and instead accept the wildest accusations and the most unfounded lies as facts and do not question them. It basically works like this, you can more or less put forward whatever you want and if the Magistrate allows it then it's fact, unquestioned and we move on.
it's not about fact, its not about evidence, many believe it is, but honestly until you visit yourself you have to take our word for it.
For example after looking through a numerous amount of these cases, you can look at section J of the report which is "police evidence" and it will just be a blank page with that heading, because there isn't any evidence it's all accusations, slander and hearsay! It's all made up, by whoever to suit whoever. These lay men basically 'make' a case and then 'create' the evidence to support this made up case, good logic.
It's pretty well known around the UK that family courts are also called "secret courts" and having had the pleasure of visiting one, I can testify to why. This isn't court in any sense you would imagine. In my case I was sat in a room with tables with made a 'U' centred around 3 big desks which sat the magistrate and his associate and then another guy I guess the 'witness?'
And that was it. No big room with various people, no anything and this was parent vs parent, far less sinister!
Getting back on track, so basically this system in place in family courts, allows dishonesty, allows corruption and allows perjury to be committed, which means there's no possible 'justice' your fate depends so much on the compassion of your magistrate, who I am sure is as honest as the day is long.
Just to add the main reason that nothing is done about this is because the family courts ARE secret courts, nobody is allowed to witness what happens other than the few involved, no media, no independent, representative nobody. And the vast majority of the time the parents losing the case have been painted poorly by the SS and therefore nobody believes them anyway.
So family courts are secretly (or more openly than the judges think) corrupt and there is no true justice, so are the magistrates just as bad as the social workers and the professional losers? Errrrrrr Yep! Lets add them to our shit list and crack on.
It's all secret and most of the time you get dealt with by a magistrate and not a judge though this is important because a Magistrate usually doesn't have any legal qualifications, where as a Judge certainly does, so they're easier to fool, easier to get to play along etc.
And these magistrates for the most part do, the vast majority of 'evidence' presented in family courts is hearsay and accusations, often which can be refuted or debunked but the parent simply isn't given the opportunity to defend themselves, or if it is granted it usually falls on deaf ears. Some of the evidence however isn't even hearsay, it's nothing more than simply the opinion of one person about someone else.
Whilst we are on the subject though lets again consider the fact that family courts ACCEPT hearsay evidence, this country if there is any left only has any justice because of it's desire for evidence and the truth, the important thing about EVIDENCE you see is because it can be debated, refuted and tore to shreds if it's not legit...
Family courts however have turned this idea upside down and instead accept the wildest accusations and the most unfounded lies as facts and do not question them. It basically works like this, you can more or less put forward whatever you want and if the Magistrate allows it then it's fact, unquestioned and we move on.
it's not about fact, its not about evidence, many believe it is, but honestly until you visit yourself you have to take our word for it.
For example after looking through a numerous amount of these cases, you can look at section J of the report which is "police evidence" and it will just be a blank page with that heading, because there isn't any evidence it's all accusations, slander and hearsay! It's all made up, by whoever to suit whoever. These lay men basically 'make' a case and then 'create' the evidence to support this made up case, good logic.
It's pretty well known around the UK that family courts are also called "secret courts" and having had the pleasure of visiting one, I can testify to why. This isn't court in any sense you would imagine. In my case I was sat in a room with tables with made a 'U' centred around 3 big desks which sat the magistrate and his associate and then another guy I guess the 'witness?'
And that was it. No big room with various people, no anything and this was parent vs parent, far less sinister!
Getting back on track, so basically this system in place in family courts, allows dishonesty, allows corruption and allows perjury to be committed, which means there's no possible 'justice' your fate depends so much on the compassion of your magistrate, who I am sure is as honest as the day is long.
Just to add the main reason that nothing is done about this is because the family courts ARE secret courts, nobody is allowed to witness what happens other than the few involved, no media, no independent, representative nobody. And the vast majority of the time the parents losing the case have been painted poorly by the SS and therefore nobody believes them anyway.
So family courts are secretly (or more openly than the judges think) corrupt and there is no true justice, so are the magistrates just as bad as the social workers and the professional losers? Errrrrrr Yep! Lets add them to our shit list and crack on.
Adoption services/fostering
Just a brief disclaimer
before this one, just like the others, I am not branding everyone with
the same brush, that is never what I do, there are some great foster
parents out there who have helped rebuild lives broken by genuinely
abusive or neglectful parents/carers and these are exactly the kind who
do not fight for their children in court, these parents are happy to be
rid of them, sadly.
i have spoken with many people who have great experiences with foster families and have rebuilt their lives because of that fact.
I am talking about the 'industry' which has been created, the industry which is paid good money to look after other peoples children and more the most part, this is NOT the case. I am talking about care and foster homes where the children who have been taken for fear "of possible future abuse" are actually becoming the victims or VERY REAL mental and physical abuse as a result of being taken from their family environment. Where 'champion' foster carers are convicted paedophiles or children are seriously injured whilst unsupervised by the people being paid anywhere from 350-1200pw to look after them!!
If you're aged between say 10-16 and you're taking into foster and you happen to have a mobile phone, I pad, laptop whatever, it's the first thing that will be taken away from you, the carers will cut you off from the outside world, no contact with friends or family, no internet access, cut off from the world or anyone who could help them... completely dependent on them, it helps force trust as you have no choice. Which then in turn the social workers can manipulate and claim that the child has formed a real bond with the foster family. I have also noticed reading through many cases, the use of pets and animals by social workers to enforce the idea the child is happy and settled in their new environment, "they love the dog/cat/rabbit, they're always spending time with it" yeah probably because it's the only thing there which displays any empathy or affection towards them as opposed to trying to lie to, mislead, run down or abuse them perhaps!?
It's important though that the powers that be spoon feed the masses that sort of rubbish, it's important because it helps the public have sympathy with the child never returning to its parents, in their minds the GP see it as "kid wasn't look after properly, CPS stepped in, kid now in foster home loves dog," everything is hunk fucking dory, Except it isn't.
The cases of children suffering some sort of abuse, injury, neglect or negativity once taken from their family environment is sickening in itself but when you consider it happens to the VAST majority of children taken, it again begs the question how this is allowed to go on? A system which I earlier proved didn't work just by increasing number of cases year upon year and then now factor in that most of these children are taken because of what "might" happen to them in the future, to have something far worse ACTUALLY happen to them and YET who is there to intervene this time and take the children from the foster carers or the care homes? NOBODY. There is NO independent service in existence which does this, and there probably never will be.
Why? It's simple. If it happens once of twice its happen stance, 3,4,5 even 10 times and it's a coincidence, 30,40,50 times it becomes a pattern, but when this is occurring thousands of times per year just in the UK alone, The it simply is a PROGRAM, it is happening exactly by design, exactly as planned and it will never stop, it's modern-day Nazism or at least what we're supposed to believe Nazism is.
So what sort of money are we talking here? Well big money...
i have spoken with many people who have great experiences with foster families and have rebuilt their lives because of that fact.
I am talking about the 'industry' which has been created, the industry which is paid good money to look after other peoples children and more the most part, this is NOT the case. I am talking about care and foster homes where the children who have been taken for fear "of possible future abuse" are actually becoming the victims or VERY REAL mental and physical abuse as a result of being taken from their family environment. Where 'champion' foster carers are convicted paedophiles or children are seriously injured whilst unsupervised by the people being paid anywhere from 350-1200pw to look after them!!
If you're aged between say 10-16 and you're taking into foster and you happen to have a mobile phone, I pad, laptop whatever, it's the first thing that will be taken away from you, the carers will cut you off from the outside world, no contact with friends or family, no internet access, cut off from the world or anyone who could help them... completely dependent on them, it helps force trust as you have no choice. Which then in turn the social workers can manipulate and claim that the child has formed a real bond with the foster family. I have also noticed reading through many cases, the use of pets and animals by social workers to enforce the idea the child is happy and settled in their new environment, "they love the dog/cat/rabbit, they're always spending time with it" yeah probably because it's the only thing there which displays any empathy or affection towards them as opposed to trying to lie to, mislead, run down or abuse them perhaps!?
It's important though that the powers that be spoon feed the masses that sort of rubbish, it's important because it helps the public have sympathy with the child never returning to its parents, in their minds the GP see it as "kid wasn't look after properly, CPS stepped in, kid now in foster home loves dog," everything is hunk fucking dory, Except it isn't.
The cases of children suffering some sort of abuse, injury, neglect or negativity once taken from their family environment is sickening in itself but when you consider it happens to the VAST majority of children taken, it again begs the question how this is allowed to go on? A system which I earlier proved didn't work just by increasing number of cases year upon year and then now factor in that most of these children are taken because of what "might" happen to them in the future, to have something far worse ACTUALLY happen to them and YET who is there to intervene this time and take the children from the foster carers or the care homes? NOBODY. There is NO independent service in existence which does this, and there probably never will be.
Why? It's simple. If it happens once of twice its happen stance, 3,4,5 even 10 times and it's a coincidence, 30,40,50 times it becomes a pattern, but when this is occurring thousands of times per year just in the UK alone, The it simply is a PROGRAM, it is happening exactly by design, exactly as planned and it will never stop, it's modern-day Nazism or at least what we're supposed to believe Nazism is.
So what sort of money are we talking here? Well big money...
- 1: Foster carers on average earn from £300-£600 per week per child!
- 2: Children’s homes typically £7,000-£12,000 per week per child!
- 3: Lawyers and court costs typically £200,000-£400,000 per case!
- 4: Experts typically £10,000 but sometimes upto £28,000 for a simple report!
- 5: Adoption agencies make £millions (£18,000-£27,000 per child placement)
- 6: Local authorities get £millions hitting adoption targets!
How are they getting away with it?
This shouldn't be as
easy for me to answer as it is, although it is complex in the multitude
of ways in which it is happening and I will go into them below, it is
also at the very time so very simple as to why and
that is because there's not enough people standing up to them, targets
are picked, often their parents are considered weak, vulnerable single
mothers, families with criminal history etc and because of these
factors, these people don't get the support, before I go into the next
section I just want to quickly mention how vital it is that if you are
going through this process there are 2 so, so important things you need,
And secondly to have strength and support in NUMBERS, I really think you need a minimum of 8 other than yourselves/partners/older children. 8 completely dependable people that could be there in a heartbeat, to be there defend and support you if and when SS/the feds show up. If you don't have 8 seriously dependable people GET THEM, find them, friends, family reach out on groups and communities for others who have been through this, these victims WILL help you, but you are so weak and easy to defeat alone, the more reliable people you have, the harder you will be to break down, the more calm and confident you will feel and the more intimidating it is for anyone who turns up.
One of the main reasons the SS/police do not interfere with the genuinely abused/neglected children is often because of intimidation by the parents or something about the environment surrounding the parent (gang affiliation,or at the opposite end of that, VIPs and the super wealthy etc), for example in the Baby P case mentioned briefly earlier it was reported in a couple of places that one of the main reasons SS didn't make more regular visits were because they were petrified of both Stephen Barker and his rottweiler which was kept at the home, and although that's probably just an excuse to save their bacon, it does happen, and has been happening for years. With that said, lets move forwards.
And secondly to have strength and support in NUMBERS, I really think you need a minimum of 8 other than yourselves/partners/older children. 8 completely dependable people that could be there in a heartbeat, to be there defend and support you if and when SS/the feds show up. If you don't have 8 seriously dependable people GET THEM, find them, friends, family reach out on groups and communities for others who have been through this, these victims WILL help you, but you are so weak and easy to defeat alone, the more reliable people you have, the harder you will be to break down, the more calm and confident you will feel and the more intimidating it is for anyone who turns up.
One of the main reasons the SS/police do not interfere with the genuinely abused/neglected children is often because of intimidation by the parents or something about the environment surrounding the parent (gang affiliation,or at the opposite end of that, VIPs and the super wealthy etc), for example in the Baby P case mentioned briefly earlier it was reported in a couple of places that one of the main reasons SS didn't make more regular visits were because they were petrified of both Stephen Barker and his rottweiler which was kept at the home, and although that's probably just an excuse to save their bacon, it does happen, and has been happening for years. With that said, lets move forwards.
so how are they getting away with it?
Watching the above video is a good place to start. It's Ian Josephs(I told you I'd come back to him didn't I?) although this video is a few years old now, all the points are still relevant and sadly even more prevalent.
Like I mentioned above it is being achieved in a whole multitude of ways some of which I have already mentioned but I will try to cover them all again to make it clear for everyone;
The use of 'secret' courts
- The use of 'gagging' orders
- "Borderline personality disorder"
- Misuse of 'power'
- 'Immunity'
- The 'ignorance' of the police
- The 'ignorance' of the general public
- False/altered 'evidence'
the use of secret courts
As mentioned in
the family courts section above, these courts are completely secret,
when being reported about, if it even is reported, no names are allowed
to be mentioned, not even the court in which it took place, the report
ends up looking like a redacted waste of column inches, but aren't they
all. The use of hearsay evidence alone should be enough for anyone keen
on getting to the truth to raise their eyebrows, HEAR-SAY evidence! It's
Then there are the pompous, power crazy, wannabe judges but really only lay men magistrates, who have no legal qualifications and are pretty much a cunts in wigs. oh no wait magistrates don't qualify for wigs do they, just cunts then.
These lay men make the rules up as they go along and include or exclude anything based on their own "borderline personality disorder" but it's more like 'Dissociative identity disorder' if we're handing them out like gifts, cause these lay men change personality from case to case. One thing never changes though and that is their consisting siding and co-working with the SS to steal you kids, using acts and legislation, that do not apply without consent, and who would consent to having their children taking away?
It's again worth mentioning that many of the solicitors and barristers, (especially the ones you're assigned if you ask them) are in cahoots with the SS and the Courts, like one big family... The crooked losers will tell you to go along with whatever SS accuse you of in order to sweeten the judge, these legals will tell you it's pointless trying to fight against them and so you must go along with it, "be prepared to lose" cause that's what professional losers are PAID to do.
You know whilst I was looking into this subject I was thinking you know the Magistrates are wankers, but you know they get a tidy salary a nice pension and probably gets a few of his own little naughties hidden away for complying, but what about the associate clerk what are THEY getting paid? Certainly nothing like the Mr Big magistrate though and without the sneaky perks? So what's in it for them? About 20k a year apparently? Is that all it takes to be a part of this shit? Jeeezus Why aren't we hearing more clerks speaking out? They're getting screwed as it goes, unless they're in on the fostering racket for a little side cash? Or maybe they're just worthless little zombies, so desperate to get back to their soap opera and microwave lifestyle that they sit through case after case of child theft without batting an eye lid, happy to pick up their pocket money, sick.
One last thing about the family courts, they LOVEEEE to use gagging orders.
Then there are the pompous, power crazy, wannabe judges but really only lay men magistrates, who have no legal qualifications and are pretty much a cunts in wigs. oh no wait magistrates don't qualify for wigs do they, just cunts then.
These lay men make the rules up as they go along and include or exclude anything based on their own "borderline personality disorder" but it's more like 'Dissociative identity disorder' if we're handing them out like gifts, cause these lay men change personality from case to case. One thing never changes though and that is their consisting siding and co-working with the SS to steal you kids, using acts and legislation, that do not apply without consent, and who would consent to having their children taking away?
It's again worth mentioning that many of the solicitors and barristers, (especially the ones you're assigned if you ask them) are in cahoots with the SS and the Courts, like one big family... The crooked losers will tell you to go along with whatever SS accuse you of in order to sweeten the judge, these legals will tell you it's pointless trying to fight against them and so you must go along with it, "be prepared to lose" cause that's what professional losers are PAID to do.
You know whilst I was looking into this subject I was thinking you know the Magistrates are wankers, but you know they get a tidy salary a nice pension and probably gets a few of his own little naughties hidden away for complying, but what about the associate clerk what are THEY getting paid? Certainly nothing like the Mr Big magistrate though and without the sneaky perks? So what's in it for them? About 20k a year apparently? Is that all it takes to be a part of this shit? Jeeezus Why aren't we hearing more clerks speaking out? They're getting screwed as it goes, unless they're in on the fostering racket for a little side cash? Or maybe they're just worthless little zombies, so desperate to get back to their soap opera and microwave lifestyle that they sit through case after case of child theft without batting an eye lid, happy to pick up their pocket money, sick.
One last thing about the family courts, they LOVEEEE to use gagging orders.
The use of gagging orders
In the old days if
someone wanted you to shut up about something, they'd shove a dirty sock
in your mouth 'put a sock in it' these days however we've moved with
the times we're far more sophisticated, yeah now we have pieces of
So what is a gagging order? Lets ask the Wackipedia
So what is a gagging order? Lets ask the Wackipedia
A gag order (also known as a gagging order or suppression order) is an order, typically a legal order by a court or government, restricting information or comment from being made public or passed onto any unauthorized third party. The phrase may sometimes be used of a private order by an employer or other institution.Cheers ears. So basically it's a piece of legislation which allows Lay men to ban all mention of anything which happened inside the 'court room' the names, the places, the details, the facts... sometimes can't be talked about EVER, sworn on oath for fear of jail under contempt to uphold an act, which is insanity within a statute.
Gag orders may be used, for example, to keep legitimate trade secrets of a company, to protect the integrity of ongoing police or military operations, or to protect the privacy of victims or minors. Conversely, as their downside, they may be abused as a useful tool for those of financial means to intimidate witnesses and prevent release of information, using the legal system rather than other methods of intimidation. Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation (SLAPP) orders may potentially be abused in this way.[1][2]
In a similar manner, a "gag law" may limit freedom of the press, by instituting censorship or restricting access to information.
Or in other words it's a piece of legislation which allows corruption and injustice to take place without any publication or recourse and to go for the most part blindly unnoticed by society, who can carry about their days as normal.
So a gagging order automatically implies you have something to hide, step in Mr Ryan Giggs, who payed a bucket load of cash to gag his affair with Imogen Thomas, before someone decided to leak it and bring his whole web of lies crashing down. So was that person who exposed it sent down for contempt? What John Hemming? Was he fuck! He's one of the very few saving graces in this whole scandal, one of the only MP's to actually spend any of his time and effort looking into a trying to expose it for what it is, a child trafficking racket.
So what does that mean? Well it would seem to mean, that once a gag order becomes public knowledge the order becomes null and void, of course it does, you can't gag something that's already out there! No wonder these people have secret courts and every tom dick and harry on the payroll. The parents stick to it out of fear of being jailed and the scum-bags do it for the money I suppose, either that or they love the power trip, probably both to be honest, you can see just from some of the clips around on youtube some of these people taking the kids, they're smiling, it's not traumatic for them, it's pound signs.
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