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Thursday, 7 July 2016

When Common Sense doesn't pervail

Is it any wonder that Social Workers and Child Protection is under such criticism when stories such as the one below are reported on.

The poor mother in this article was subjected to the "secret" judge jury and executioner that is Social Services.  She will now have to live with the stigma for the rest of her life.  Social Services will keep a record of this incident for the rest of her life and they will use it against her time after time.

If both the GP and the Social Worker involved had applied just an ounce of common sense this would never have been an issue.  There is not a fine line between abuse and none abuse.  Anyone being abused is fairly obvious even in a child who can't communicate well or at all.

Why is the system so bad?  Why is it failing so radically?

Mum’s outrage at social services for threatening to take her son into care over a small mark on his chest 

A MUM has told how social services tried to take her toddler son off her over
a small mark on his chest. 

Adele Joicey says her world has been turned upside down after interfering
authorities wrongly tried to remove her two-year-old from his family home in
North Tyneside. 

It was only when a hospital doctor stepped in to confirm he had no concerns
about the youngster she was allowed to keep her son. 

Despite being cleared of any wrongdoing, Adele, 41, today said: “It was
terrible, it was like they were judge, jury and executioner. 

“I have completely lost faith in the system. 

“There is something fundamentally wrong when innocent parents are being
referred over child protection issues, when there are so many intentional
cases going unidentified. 

“There is a massive stigma attached to this type of thing. 

“The way this was handled was an absolute pantomime and I still haven’t
received an apology.” 

Adele’s nightmare began on December 2 when the mother-of-four took her poorly
son Ryan to the GP. 

Ryan, an identical twin who has cerebral palsy and mobility problems, was
feeling particularly unwell and, concerned her son might have a severe ear
infection, Adele decided to take him to the doctors. 

“When the GP saw the mark, which was about the size of a 10p piece, he asked
what it was and I said I didn’t know. I have nearly 2 year old twin boys  luckily both are healthy and have no known disabilities.  Yet, I can't account for every bruise or scratch.  They are active, they run, roll, climb and despite my best efforts fall.  I can't be with them 24/7, I have to make beds, make lunch, dinner, breakfast.  I have to leave them unsupervised, though not for any length of time.  Why then isn't the honest truth of "I don't know" good enough?  Terror and abuse is not lurking behind every corner in every home.  And I refuse to bring my children up scared of their own shadows, scared to move around, scared to take chances - that would be child abuse if we have a generation to afraid to sneeze.......

“I wasn’t particularly worried because Ryan moves round in his own way because
of his difficulties.” 

She added: “It looked like a carpet burn and I thought he could have got
it going up or down stairs. 

“But the doctor said he wanted to refer Ryan to social services with an
‘unexplained injury’. 

“However social services treated this case as a ‘non-accidental injury’, which
effectively means they think someone’s hurt him on purpose, which, of
course, was never the case.” 

Adele, whose partner works away, said: “I had been used to dealing with social
services for many years as we have carers who come in and help with my other
daughter Esme who is six and has special needs.” 

But Adele was amazed by what happened next. 

“Social services came home with me from the doctors,” she said. 

“Then they said that if I didn’t have another adult in the house with me, they
would have to take Ryan into care for the night. 

“I couldn’t believe it. 

“My partner works away, I could have asked my mum but it was a point of
principle. Why should I have to do this, I hadn’t done anything wrong.” 

To add to Adele’s problems, Ryan’s illness was getting worse so a decision was
made to take him to the Northumbria Emergency Care Hospital at Cramlington.

There a doctor examined the toddler and said he could find no reason why the
referral had been made. 

Adele added: “Whilst it’s true I was allowed to keep Ryan and the situation
was sorted out, what hasn’t gone away is the feeling of being judged, the
sense of injustice and the stigma of being under scrutiny. 

“The reason this case was played out the way it was is due to that the injury
was reported as non-accidental, when it never was. I have found that very

“I personally do not know anyone who has dealt with the very real threat
of their precious child being taken away from them. 

“I found it traumatic but also isolating as I felt that others would judge me.
“So, for me, the impact was more long lasting than a matter of hours.” 

A spokesperson for North Tyneside Council said: “We would not normally comment
on individual cases. 

“This is complex and difficult work where we always do our best to work
with other professionals and families to keep children safe.”



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